Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Benefits of Liposuction for Weight Loss

Do you need to lose a few pounds and aren’t sure how to go about it? Or perhaps you have been dieting and exercising for months or even years, but can’t seem to lose the fat in some pesky areas that just never seem to improve no matter how diligent you are? If you’ve been considering liposuction or other cosmetic surgery in Lancaster, the following is some information on the benefits of liposuction.

Liposuction yields optimal results when performed on patients who are generally in good shape, but have a few pounds here and there that are not deposited evenly, that they feel uncomfortable with, and that seem to never go away even with a healthy lifestyle with nutrition and physical activity.

Liposuction is not a “cure-all” for fat. Once the fat cells are removed, they are gone. But if the patient continues afterward with a less-than-healthy lifestyle, new fat cells will develop. The key with this procedure is to combine it with lifestyle changes that make the results sustainable.

Liposuction is also sometimes used after patients have already lost a significant amount of weight on their own or through procedures such as the lap band surgery. This procedure is usually implemented when individuals have a significant amount of weight to lose and have not been successful trying traditional methods. Lap band surgery can help people who have been unable to lose weight and can reduce risks for weight-related disease.

However, with significant weight comes extra skin and tissue left behind. Liposuction and other cosmetic procedures like a tummy tuck can help those who have reached their weight-loss goals to feel good about their bodies, and comfortable in their own skin.

If you have just one particular area or two that you have always been self-conscious about, liposuction can eliminate it and help you feel better about your body. As long as you are healthy and in fairly good shape already, liposuction can be an excellent option for removing excess areas of fat that you are not comfortable with. Keep in mind that liposuction is not intended as a weight loss method for overall body fat, but for specific areas and contouring. Find a physician who is an expert at this procedure and makes you feel comfortable.

Remember, in combination with a continued healthy lifestyle, liposuction can be just the ticket to total-body confidence.